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OpenAI unveils GPT-4, a new foundation for ChatGPT

What Is ChatGPT? And How to Use It The original research paper describing GPT was published in 2018, with GPT-2 announced in 2019 and GPT-3 in 2020. These models are trained on huge datasets of text, much of it scraped from the internet, which is mined for statistical patterns. It’s a relatively simple mechanism to

A Transformer Chatbot Tutorial with TensorFlow 2 0 The TensorFlow Blog

Craft Your Own Python AI ChatBot: A Comprehensive Guide to Harnessing NLP Use the ChatterBotCorpusTrainer to train your chatbot using an English language corpus. Python, with its extensive array of libraries like Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), SpaCy, and TextBlob, makes NLP tasks much more manageable. These libraries contain packages to perform tasks from basic text